July 22, 2013

The Journey Begins

Finally, the quest for Erebor begins. Bilbo awoke in the morning to find a very messy house but all the Dwarves were gone. At this he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved thinking they left for their adventure without it him. He settled into cleaning and eating when Gandalf showed up about 10:45 am wondering why Bilbo wasn't ready. The Hobbit had missed the note on the mantle from Thorin guaranteeing the journey's financial agreements (1/14th of the profits, all traveling expenses paid, any funeral expenses for the Hobbit to be covered by the Dwarves, etc). and asking him to meet at precisely 11:00am at the Green Dragon Inn to begin the journey.

"'That leaves you just ten minutes. You will have to run,' said Gandalf. 'But--,' said Bilbo. "No time for it,' said the wizard. "But--,' said Bilbo again. "No time for that either! Off you go!'" (p. 38, The Hobbit). Bilbo found himself running toward the Green Dragon and finding the company of Dwarves there. He was dismayed that he did not bring his walking stick or pocket-handkerchief but he arrived nonetheless. Mounting ponies the Dwarves began their journey through the Shire. Gandalf caught up with the company on a white horse bringing Bilbo several handkerchief's along with his pipe and tobacco.

On and on they travelled through strange lands (to Bilbo at least) and then barren lands. Through the month of May it seemed to rain non-stop. Everyone was wet, tired, grumpy, and hungry. Bilbo found himself wishing he were back in his nice hobbit-hole enjoying warmth and good food. Eventually they came to a swollen river and crossed over a bridge one particularly wet night. "Not until then did they notice that Gandalf was missing. So far he had come all the way with them, never saying if he was in the adventure, or merely keeping them company for a while. He had eaten most, talked most, and laughed most. But now he was simply not there at all!" (p. 41, The Hobbit).

They company found some trees to camp in although the wind shook the rain water off the leaves down on them. They were soaked through and could not make a fire (though Dwarves, in particular Oin and Gloin, are good at making fires). One of the ponies was spooked and ran into the river losing all it's baggage (mostly food) and Fili and Kili were almost drowned trying to rescue it. There they sat, tired, wet, hungry with little hope of fire and food in the morning.

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 2941 (April 27th through May 27th-ish)
Today's reading comes from: The Hobbit, pages 37-42

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