October 26, 2013


Trumpets awoke Sam around noon. Damrod and Mablung were tense and soon sounds of battle could be heard. Faramir's Rangers had attacked the Harad. The noise of battle drew closer and as Sam crept up a tree for a closer look a body came crashing down pierced by arrows. It was a Southerner. Sam decided he did not enjoy battle as he looked at the body. "He wondered what the man's name was and where he had come from; and if he really was evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if would not really had rather have stayed there in peace..." (p. 269 The Two Towers). Sam's thoughts were given the Faramir in the movie a nice use I think. Sam's thoughts were quickly interrupted.

A thudding and bellowing was heard. Now the guard were really tense. Damrod cried out: "'May the Valar turn him aside! Mumak! Mumak!'" (p. 269, The Two Towers). It's been a long time since the Valar have been mentioned but they are not forgotten by the DĂșnedain's descendants. The fear was caused by an out of control oliphaunt that was fleeing from the battle. "To his astonishment and terror, and lasting delight, Sam saw a vast shape crash out of the trees and come careering down the slope" (p. 269, The Two Towers). "Sam drew a deep breath. 'An Oliphaunt it was!' he said. 'So there are Oliphaunts, and I have seen one. What a life! But no one at home will ever believe me'" (p. 270, The Two Towers). I love Sam's innocence; even as battle rages he's overcome with child-like delight. As the battle noises receded Sam again decided to catch a nap.

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3019, March 7th
Today's reading comes from: The Two Towers, pages 268-270

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