October 31, 2013

Gandalf and Pippin Enter Gondor

It's been several days since Gandalf and Pippin set out for Minis Tirith. Pippin awoke with rushing wind in his face and stars in the sky; it was the third day since they had sent out. Long hours of riding on Shadowfax with a brief stop at an empty house on a hill (Edoras). Pippin had uneasy sleep since looking in the palantir. As the night passed by Pippin inquired about their location. Gandalf informed him they were within the realm of Gondor now. Sometime later Pippin saw fires lick the horizon and fearing dragons he asked Gandalf what it was. "For answer Gandalf cried aloud to his horse. 'On Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled'" (p. 19, The Return of the King). Shadowfax sped on as Gandalf explained the customs of Gondor to a half-listening Pippin. Eventually the Wizard told Pippin to rest for they were going to the safest place possible unlike Sam and Frodo; for if they failed the Shire would not be any safer than Minis Tirith. Pippin was not encouraged by Gandalf's words but sleep he did. "He wondered where Frodo was, and if he was already in Mordor, or if he was dead; and he did not know that Frodo from far away looked on that same moon as it set beyond Gondor ere the coming of the day" (p. 20, The Return of the King).

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3019, March 8th
Today's reading comes from: The Return of the King, pages 19-20

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