The land given to the eotheod was sparsely populated with only a few people living in the marshlands between the Greyflood and Isen rivers. These people were called by the Rohirrim 'Wild Men' and were akin in race and speech to the Druedain. It's seems that a remnant of the Druedain survived into the Third Age and settled in this region. The other people's, West of the Misty Mountains, in the land of Rohan were called the Dunlendings: "a sullen folk, akin to the ancient inhabitants of the White Mountain valleys whom Isildur cursed" (p. 370, Unfinished Tales). From these people came the men of Bree but those that did not migrate North. The Dunlendings had no love for Rohan and Gondor. "Only in Dunland did Men of this race hold to their old speech and manners: a secret folk, unfriendly to the Dúnedain, hating the Rohirrim" (p. 370, Unfinished Tales).
The Kings never bothered with the Dunlendings for they were too few to pose any real threat. Their defenses were always focused on the East where most of the opposition came. So for a while the Dunlendings settled in greater numbers beyond the Isen. But after the Rohirrim settled in Calenardhon (the Riddermark) their King's began to drive out the Dunlendings. "But under Brego and Aldor the Dunlendings were rooted out again and driven away beyond the Isen, and the Fords of Isen were guarded. Thus the Rohirrim earned the hatred of the Dunlendings, which was not appeased until the return of the King, then far off in the future. Whenever the Rohirrim were weak or in trouble the Dunlendings renewed their attacks" (p. 371, Unfinished Tales).
The Rohirrim were given control of all the land including the fortresses, save one. The Tower of Orthanc remained a Gondorian possession. This proved to be a border of Rohan along with the Forest of Fanghorn (the Entwood). As intimidating as these two places were they could not provide much protection if left unmanned. Still only a small people of Gondor led by a hereditary chief were left as guard to the Ring of Isengard and the tower itself was shut with the keys residing in Minis Tirith. And it seemed the Rohirrim had little to do with these people. "They meddled little with the 'Lord of Isengard' and his secret folk, whom they believed to be dealers in dark magic" (p. 371, Unfinished Tales).
Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 2510-2699
Today's reading comes from: Unfinished Tales, pages 370-372
Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 2510-2699
Today's reading comes from: Unfinished Tales, pages 370-372
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