June 27, 2013

Kings of the Mark

Here follows the Kings of the Mark who followed Eorl the Young:

Brego was the the second King driving his enemies out of the Wold after Eorl fell in battle. He lived from 2512-2570. "In 2569 he completed the great hall of Meduseld. At the feast his son Baldor vowed that he would tread the 'Paths of the Dead' and did not return. Brego died of grief the next year" (p. 349, The Return of the King).

Aldor the Old was the next King living from 2544-2645. He was the second son of Brego and became known as "the Old" for his long rule (75 years) and life (101 years). It was Aldor that drove out the remaining Dunlendings over the Isen and brought peace to Rohan. "Of the next three kings little is said, for Rohan had peace and prospered in their time" (p. 349, The Return of the King).

Frea was Aldor's oldest son (and fourth child) and he lived from 2570-2659. He ruled only 14 years due to the long life of his father.

Freawine was the fifth king living from 2594-2680.

Goldwine was the sixth king living from 2619-2699.

Deor was the seventh king living from 2644-2718. "In his time the Dunlendings raided often over the Isen. In 2710 they occupied the deserted ring of Isengard, and could not be dislodged" (p. 349, The Return of the King). Here is how the Dunlending occupation came to be. Both Rohan and Gondor gave little heed to the realm of Isengard thinking it a natural defense and knowing the ring of Isengard to be watched by a small Gondorian remnant. However, unbeknownst to all, the chieftains of this remnant died out. A family of the remnant took control who were of mixed blood and friendly with the Dunlendings allowing them passage into the land. The Dunlendings filtered into the land making many settlements and soon became openly hostile toward Rohan. "Deor therefore led an expedition northwards, and was met by a host of Dunlendings. These he overcame; but he was dismayed to find that Isengard was also hostile. Thinking that he had relieved Isengard of a Dunlendish siege, he sent messengers to its Gates with words of good will, but the Gates were shut upon them and the only answer they got was by bowshot" (p. 373, Unfinished Tales). For the Dunlendings had taken control of Isengard killing those who did not willingly accept them as lords. At the time Gondor could not aid Rohan and Isengard remained long occupied.

Gram was the eighth king living from 2668-2741.

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 2512-2741
Toady's reading comes from: The Return of the King, page 349 and Unfinished Tales, pages 372-373

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