November 3, 2013

Parting From Faramir

As Aragorn entered the Paths of the Dead Frodo and Sam ate breakfast with Faramir while supplies were being gathered. Faramir told them all his spies had returned  and found a great stillness over the land (some had even come to within sight of the Black Gates). He did not know what this meant other than some great storm was coming and the hobbits needed to depart soon. After finishing the meal they found their packs laden with food and Faramir presented them with two walking sticks and told them they were set with virtue of finding and returning. "The hobbits bowed low. 'Most gracious host,' said Frodo, 'it was said to me by Elrond Halfelven that I should find frienship upon the way, secret and unlooked for. Certainly I looked for no such friendship as you have shown. To have found it turns evil to great good'" (p. 303, The Two Towers).

Gollum was brought out and bidden by Faramir to be blindfolded yet Frodo and Sam were now allowed to walk free. However, Gollum threw a fit and Frodo asked all three should be blindfolded so he would be quieter. After a while the blindfolds were removed and they found themselves in an utterly silent forest. Faramir gave them final counsel on the road (he had already declared all waters in Ithilien safe to drink but warned them to drink nothing once entering Mordor). "He embraced the hobbits then, after the manner of his people, stooping, and placing his hands upon their shoulders, and kissing their foreheads. 'Go with the good will of all good men!; he said" (p. 304, The Two Towers). I realized while reading this that this Gondorian goodbye, hands on shoulders with a kiss to the forehead, made a cameo in Peter Jackson's movies--Boromir's death scene. A nice little inclusion their by Peter Jackson.

Faramir departed and was gone. Gollum was very pleased to see the nassty Men leave but Frodo reminded him of their mercy towards all three of them, Smeagol not the least. Smeagol sort of apologized saying he was very forgiving, even of Frodo's trickses. They travelled through the day stopping for some food twice: dried fruits and meats that would last many days and bread that would be fresh for only a few more days. Indeed, as they travelled they found things exactly as Faramir's scouts reported: silent. Not even birds made a peep.

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3019, March 8th
Today's reading come from: The Two Towers, pages 303-305

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