November 24, 2013

Galadriel Grant's Sam's Third Wish

As the battle of Pelannor Field raged Sam and Frodo struggled to move forward. They struck a seldom used, but dangerous, path for a while. Suddenly they heard an unmistakeable sound ahead. It was the sound of water! "Sam sprang towards it. 'If ever I see the Lady again, I will tell her!' he cried. 'Light and now water!'" (p. 198, The Return of the King). While bitter the water was cool and clean and the hobbits drank all they wished and filled Sam's water skin. I am not sure if Galadriel was actually able to hear and grant Sam's wishes, it's possible being the powerful Elf that she is, but it sure seems more than a chance--perhaps since he bore the Ring for a time Galadriel could now access his thoughts being a Ring Bearer herself.

Frodo knew it was time they turn toward thier ultimate destination but first he wanted a rest. They struggled and found some twisted thorn bushes to hide in. They ate half of what was left of the food given them by Faramir and Frodo fell almost immediately asleep. Sam tried to take watch but was tired as well. Getting up to move he looked at the sky and saw the clouds part and a bright star shine. "For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach" (p. 199, The Return of the King). At peace, Sam laid by Frodo and fell into a deep sleep himself.

What a great thought by Sam Gamgee. The Shadow is only a passing thing--there is light and high beauty far beyond its reach. I need that perspective. I can get so downcast at times looking at the issues in my life or the world around me. The shadow is only a passing thing, o my soul, there is Light and High Beauty beyond its reach. When I am called home from this world I will see, forever undiminished, the Light and High Beauty of Christ.

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3019, March 15th
Today's reading comes from: The Return of the King, pages 198-199

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