December 5, 2013

Theoden's Last Ride

After the celebration for Arwen and Aragorn's wedding subsided Frodo wished to journey back home.  He also wanted to see Bilbo in Rivendell. Aragorn offered to ride with Frodo in seven days time, for Eomer was soon to return to Gondor and claim Theoden's body. He wished for gifts of great honor to give to Frodo. "But the Queen Arwen said: 'A gift I will give you. For I am the daughter of Elrond. I shall not go with him when he departs to the Havens; for mine is the choice of Lúthien, and as she so have I chosen, both the sweet and the bitter. But in my stead you shall go, Ring-bearer, when the time comes, and if you then desire it'" (p. 252, The Return of the King). She then gave Frodo a gem that shone like starlight to remember her and Aragorn and to bring him comfort when memories of past evil came to haunt him.

Three days later Eomer came with his finest knights and was met by Aragorn's court and the Elves still remaining, including Galadriel. Eomer went quickly to Gimli and asked if his axe was ready for they had a certain issue to settle concerning the Lady. Eomer confessed that he did not think Galadriel the fairest lady that lived but before Gimli could fetch his axe he said: "'But first I will plead this excuse...Had I seen her in other company, I would have said all that you could wish. But now I will put Queen Arwen Evenstar first, and I am ready to do battle on my own part with any who deny me. Shall I call for my sword?' Then Gimli bowed low. 'Nay, you are excused for my part, lord,' he said. 'You have chosen the Evening; but my love is given to the Morning. And my heart forebodes that soon it will pass away for ever'" (p. 253, The Return of the King).

The time came to depart for Rohan; accompanying the Riders were Aragorn and his knights, Arwen and the Elves, and the remainder of the Fellowship. Merry bore King Theoden's arms. Gandalf rode Shadowfax and Gimli rode with Legolas. Imrahil and Faramir came. "Never had any king of the Mark had such company upon the road as went with Theoden Thengel's son to the land of his home" (p. 254, The Return of the King). As the travelled they came near the hills of the Wild Men and could hear the drums beating. Aragorn had the trumpets loosed and the heralds announce: "'Behold, the King Elessar is come! The Forest of the Druadan he gives to Ghan-buri-ghan and to his folk, to be their own for ever; and hereafter let no man enter it without their leave!' Then the drums rolled loudly, and were silent" (p. 254, The Return of the King).

In 15 days time they came to Edoras. Theoden was laid to rest and many songs of lament were sung. "But Merry stood at the foot of the green mound, and he wept, and when the song was ended he arose and cried: 'Theoden King, Theoden King! Farewell! As a father you were to me, for a little while. Farewell!'" (p. 255, The Return of the King). Since Theoden ended in honor great celebration feasts were held. "Then a mistral and lore master stood up and named all the names of the Lords of the Mark in their order: Eorl the Young; and Brego builder of the Hall; and Aldor brother of Baldor the hapless, and Frea, and Freawine, and Goldwine, and Deor, and Gram; and Helm who lay hid in Helm's Deep when the Mark was overrun; and so ended the nine mounds of the west-side, for in that time the line was broken, and after came the mounds of the east-side: Frealaf, Helm's sister-son, and Leofa, and Walda, and Folca, and Folcwine, and Fengel, and Thengel, and Theoden the latest" (p. 255, The Return of the King).

Eomer was hailed as the new King of the Mark and his first announcement in the Hall was to give his sister Eowyn away in marriage to Faramir. Before the assembly the two were troth plighted and Aragorn marveled that Eomer would give away that which was fairest in his country. The act further affirmed the close bond between Gondor and Rohan. "It is recorded that after Theoden's funeral, when Eomer reordered his realm, Erkenbrand was made Marshal of the West-mark, and Elfhelm Marshal of the East-mark, and these titles were maintained, instead of Second and Third Marshall, neither having precedence over the other" (p. 369, Unfinished Tales).

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3019, June-July
Today's reading comes from: The Return of the King, pages 252-255, Unfinished Tales, page 369

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