April 5, 2013

Aldarion's Voyages

Before I begin tracking the history of Middle-earth I'd like to note that April 5th is a special day. It's my good friend Josh's birthday (though he is far younger then eleventh-one!). Josh has been Sam to my Frodo, Beleg to my Túrin through the years. So if are reading this on April 5th, raise a glass and toast to those important friends in your life. Now on to the Second Age.

In 725 Aldarion travelled with his grandfather, Vëantur, to Middle-earth and befriended Círdan and Gil-galad, whom he would later bring gifts to on subsequent voyages. He was away from Númenor for two years and it was Vëantur's last trip away form the island. The great Sea and lands beyond Andor captured Aldarion's heart and he could not shake them upon return.

Aldarion made four more trips to Middle-earth between the ages of 25 and 39. He sought to learn all he could about ship and harbor-making from Círdan. During this time his father, Tar-Meneldur, became King of Númenor. For a season Aldarion did not travel thinking rather how he might improve the ships and bays in Númenor. But his restlessness for the Sea did not wane. His mother, daughter of Vëantur, ever encouraged her son. His father, however, was not pleased by his sons desires.

Aldarion did not disclose his full desires to his father but did found the Guild of Venturers the most skilled and hardy of all the mariners of Númenor. And together, with Aldarion as their Great Captain, they would plan and keep records of their journeys. In fact, Aldarion so loved the Sea that he no longer dwelt on Númenor, but rather in a great ship he had constructed, Eambar. And the Guild became ever more powerful as son and father became further estranged. "Tar-Meneldur ever opposed his son, and he set a curb on the felling of trees in Númenor for the building of vessels; and it came therefore into Aldarion's mind that he would find timber in Middle-earth, and seek there for a haven for the repair of his ships" (p. 176, Unfinished Tales). 

It's not fun to watch the building tension between father and son. I can relate having my own son. Not that an almost four year old causes tension. But everyday I can see his own mind and will forming and sometimes it's not in line with my mind and will. Meneldur never had a love for the Sea which is his son's passion and now tension is mounting. How will I handle things when my own son's passion is something I have little to no knowledge or interest in? My hope and prayer is that I will support his passions and never try to conform him to mine. Of course, with that being said I do hope he one day thoroughly enjoys reading Tolkien and may even peruse this blog!

Middle-earth timeline: Second Age, 725-740
Today's readings come from: Unfinished Tales, pages 174-176

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