March 24, 2013

The Oath of Fëanor Strikes Again

Eärendil, son of Tuor and Idril, is now lord of the people who dwelt at the mouth of the Sirion. He married Elwing, daughter of Dior, son of Beren and Lúthien. She bore him two sons: Elrond and Elros, the Half-elven. The sea longing in Eärendil's heart was strong. He became friends with Círdan and built a great ship. He hoped to find his mother and father but another purpose was born in his heart "...he thought to find perhaps the last shore, and bring ere he died the message of Elves and Men to the Valar in the West, that should move their hearts to pity for the sorrows of Middle-earth" (p. 246, The Silmarillion).

While Eärendil travelled on the seas the remaining sons of Fëanor learned Elwing lived and had possession of the Silmaril and they once again demanded it be returned to them. She and the people refused in light of the sacrifice of Beren and Lúthien, the death of Dior, and the fact that their lord was out at sea. And thus the third and final kin-slaying, Elf by Elf, came to pass. The sons of Fëanor came in full force on the exiles of the mouth of Sirion and destroyed them. Too late did Círdan and Gil-galad aid the exiles by ship.

In the fighting two of Fëanor's sons, Amrod and Amras, were killed. Elwing threw herself in the sea bearing the Silmaril with her. Elros and Elrond were taken by Maglor and Maedhros, the only remaining sons of Fëanor. Still they had not gained the Silmaril. Eärendil was warned in a dream but could not return to Middle-earth fast enough. Ulmo, however, interceded again. Lifting up Elwing by the sea, giving her the likeness of a white sea bird, and bore her to Eärendil's ship. In the morning Eärendil marvelled that his wife lay sleeping in his arms.

However, their sorrow was great seeing their people and homes destroyed. They also feared their sons would be killed. They did not know that Maglor had pity on the little ones and treated them well for he was sick of his father's oath that plagued his life.

So here it is; the Oath, it would seem has brought about the last destruction of Elvendom in Middle-earth. The island of Balar, where Gil-galad the High King and Círdan the shipwright remained, seems to be the only stronghold against Morgoth. Men are scattered, along the Green Elves and other Elves who had never travelled to Valinor. And it's in this last moment as hope is turning the despair that the calling of Eärendil, to seek the Lords of the West, shall come to fruition.

Middle-earth timeline: First Age, 525-538T
Today's reading comes from: The Silmarillion, pages 246-247

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