February 14, 2013

Túrin and Saeros

Three years have passed and Túrin is now 20 years old. He seldom returned to Thingol's halls since his time in the North; but needing smith work he came to Menegroth unlooked for while Thingol and Melian were away. Tired, weary, and unkept from his time as a march-warden Túrin sat himself in the great hall unknowingly in Saeros' accustomed seat. When Saeros arrived his anger smoldered.

Túrin was in conversation with Mablung when Saeros began asking him many questions. Though legitimate questions in mockery they were delivered. Túrin's short answers, if any at all, made Saeros all the more angry. Finally losing his temper the threw a comb on the table yelling at Túrin about his unkept hair and appearance. Túrin stared menacingly at Saeros who did heed the warning. Adding further insult Saeros said, "'If the Men of Hithlum are so wild and fell, of what sort are the women of that land? Do they run like deer clad only in their hair?'" (p. 87, The Children of Húrin).

That comment brought Túrin to wrath as he thought of his mother and sister. And throwing a cup in Saeros' face he drew his sword. Mablung restrained Túrin but through a bloodied mouth Saeros continued to spout insults and call for the king's judgement. Túrin turned and left the hall. Mablung said to Saeros, "'What ails you tonight? For this evil I hold you to blame; and maybe the King's law will judge a broken mouth a just return for your taunting'" (p. 88, The Children of Húrin). It seemed to Mablung that Morgoth's will had touched Doriath. 

Saeros stated that if swords were drawn outside the king's halls he would have slain Túrin. Mablung warned Saeros that it might not go as he thinks. Saeros' malice only grew as the night went on. In the morning Túrin was on his way back to Beleg and the North when Saeros attacked him unawares with sword and shield. A swift fight occurred with Túrin breaking the shield and wounding Saeros' sword arm. Túrin did not have intentions of killing his adversary. Rather he said, "'Saeros, there is a long race before you, and clothes will be a hindrance; hair must suffice'" (p. 89, The Children of Húrin). This is a gotcha moment. Stripping him naked Túrin placed the point of his sword against Saeros' butt and chased him through the woods. Saeros' screams brought many onlookers including Mablung. Many deemed this act to be an evil deed from the pits of Angband for they did not know Túrin had first been attacked.

Mablung called to Túrin that it was Orc-work. "'Orc-work there was; this is only Orc-play', Turin called back" (p. 90, The Children of Húrin). And he continued to chase Saeros to a ledge. There in fright Saeros tried to jump the chasm and fell to his death. Túrin was upset that he would be blamed for a death he did not intend. Mablung and the few who could keep up bade Túrin to come before Thingol. In his pride Túrin forsake the law and land of king Thingol and sought to leave. He warned Mablung they could not take him alive. Mablung relented and allowed Túrin to go since one death was enough. "'I did not will it, but I do not mourn it', said Túrin" (p. 91, The Children of Húrin). Mablung saw a shadow upon Túrin and hoped it would be no darker if they met again. The curse of Morgoth was beginning to come to fruition.

Middle-earth timeline: First Age, 484
Today's reading comes from: The Children of Húrin, pages 86-91

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