February 5, 2013

A Time To Strike Morgoth?

Beren and Lúthien returned to Middle-earth and for a time they went to Menegroth and brought joy to Thingol. Melian, however, was deeply grieved for she knew that Lúthien's choice would not allow them to be reunited after leaving the world. Eventually Beren and Lúthien moved to Tol Galen in Ossiriand. That land became known as Dor Firn-i-Guinar, the Land of the Dead that Live, and there they bore a beautiful daughter named Dior. But no tale is told of how Beren and Lúthien left the world.

Their quest to reclaim the Silmaril won great renown and lifted the hopes of Maedhros. He saw Morgoth was not unassailable and he began summoning all to his aid. The Oath of Fëanor deprived him of needed strength. Orodreth would not give aid because of the actions of Celegorm and Curufin against his brother Finrod. One small company, against Orodreth's will, came from Nargothrond led by Gwindor to avenge the loss of his brother Gelmir in the Battle of Sudden Flame. From that company only one would return. From Doriath came only Mablung and Beleg, who were unwilling not to play a role in the coming events. 

Because of the actions of Celegorm and Curufin and Thingol decreed they were only permitted to help the host of Fingon and not the sons of Fëanor. Furthermore the sons of Fëanor had sent harsh messages to Thingol that demanded he give back the Silmaril. He refused on the account of what it cost Beren and Lúthien. Plus the longer he held it the more he wanted it for himself. Celegorm and Curufin vowed to kill Thingol themselves after Morgoth was deposed of. Maedhros did recreive help from many Dwarves, Men from the houses of Bór (the faithful) and Ulfang (the unfaithful), and the Folk of Haleth who were now ruled by Haldir. And though Turgon heard of the gathering strength he still did not issue forth from the Hidden City of Gondolin. Maedhros, however, revealed his new strength too soon and while succeeding in driving the Orcs in out of the northern reaches of Beleriand Morgoth became aware of the alliance and began to plot against it.

Trouble is brewing with Thingol as his coveting of the Silmaril spells nothing good. As Melian foretold whether Beren's quest was successful or not it would mean doom for Thingol. Wanting to possess what's not yours or loving what you possess too much makes for a skewed world view. This world view revolves around me and my wants. I do love Mablung and Beleg though. Knowing their king would never aid the sons of Feanor they still would not be left out of the coming fight. These are Elves of action and with motives about proactively playing a role in a story larger then themselves. Quite a different worldview where I am focused on the good of others and future generations beyond my immediate comfort.

Middle-earth timeline: First Age, 469
Today's reading comes from: The Silmarillion, page 188-189

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