March 22, 2015

Lay of Leithian: Canto Seven

Another very intense Canto is found in number seven. Beren, Felagund, and ten other Elven warriors are making the treacherous journey to Angband. Along the way they come across a band of 30 Orcs and quickly ambush them and leaving none alive. And what happens next I do not recall in the published Silmarillion. Felagund uses his powers to disguise he and his comrades as Orcs.

"Then Felagund a spell did sing
of changing and of shifting shape;
their ears grew hideous, and agape
their mouths did start, and like a fang
each tooth became, as slow he sang.
Their Gnomish raiment then they hid, 
and one by one behind him slid, 
behind a foul and goblin thing
that once was elven-fair and king"
(p. 226, The Lays of Beleriand). 

Continuing their journey they are stopped by the suspicious Thû, lord of the werewolves of the Wizard's Isle. Thû is most definitely Sauron at this point. He summons this odd band of Orcs and questions them for news finding them to know things they should not and not know things they should. Thû happens to mention Lúthien and how his master Morgoth desires her. Thû is perplexed that these Orcs did not laugh at Morgoth's desire to defile that fair Elven maid; and one of the twelve looked particularly angered. This begins a magical showdown between Thû and Felagund singing songs of revelation and concealment; but Thû proves stronger revealing the true forms of the twelve and imprisoning them to feed his wolves form time to time. Canto seven was very action packed to say the least. 

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