September 22, 2013

Of Gollum In Moria

It's been a while since we've seen or heard from Gollum so I thought this would be a nice place for an update as the Fellowship has just entered Moria. It was the previous June when Gollum escaped the imprisonment of Thranduil's realm. In autumn of 3018 Gollum came to Moria and there vanished for all intents and purposes. He was being hunted by Elves and servants of Sauron and wished to lose them. Of what happened to him in Moria no clear account can be given. He had most likely sought to travel to the West end of Moria on his way to 'Shire' but became lost. But clearly Gollum must have gotten lost in the Mines as he was still there when the Fellowship arrived. "It thus seems probably that he had not long made his way toward the West-gate when the Nine Walkers arrived. He knew nothing, of course, about the action of the doors. To him they would have seem huge and inmovable; and though they had no lock or bar and opened outwards to a thrust, he did not discover that. In any case he was now far away from any source of food, for the Orcs were mostly in the East-end of Moria, and was become weak and desperate, so that even if he had known all about the doors he still could not have thrust them open. It was thus a piece of singular good fortune for Gollum that the Nine Walkers arrived when they did" (p. 345, Unfinished Tales).

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3019, January 13th
Today's reading comes from: Unfinished Tales, page 345

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