August 29, 2013

Theoden's Failing Health

As has been noted before, Saruman had been slowly giving Rohan more trouble over the years. "The chief obstacles to an easy conquest of Rohan by Saruman were Theodred and Eomer: they were vigorous men, devoted to their King, and high in his affections, as his only son and his sister-son; and they did all that they could to thwart the influence over him that Grima gained when the King's health began to fail" (p. 355, Unfinished Tales). Theoden began to grow ill which at an early age for the Rohirrim; it was perhaps brought on by subtle poisons given him by Grima.

As his health grew more frail his dependence on Grima grew stronger since his counsellor was shrewd and cunning. Grima sought to discredit all other counsellor's of the King so that he would be the only one. Theodred and Eomer remained steadfast to Theoden; Eomer loving only the King more than his cousin Theodred. Still Grima sought to portray Eomer as an ambitious man looking to steal the Kingship of Rohan from Theoden and the rightful heir Theodred.

Of the ordering of the military of Rohan the highest rank was Marshal of the Mark. Traditionally there were three Marshall's (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Marshall). During this time and through the War of the Ring (3019 Third Age) there was no official 1st Marshal as Theoden (up until his illness) was a great horseman and warrior and let out the mustering of Edoras when need be. (Though Sauron's power grew during Theoden's life his realm was mostly at peace.) Elfhelm was the name of the commanding officer though he did not carry the 1st Marshal Rank.

Theodred was 2nd Marshal who has based out of Helm's Deep. Eomer was 3rd Marshal based out of his home in Aldburg in the Folde. "Here Eorl has his house; it passed after to Brego son of Eorl removed to Edoras into the hands of Eofor, third son of Brego, from whom Eomund, father of Eomer, claimed descent" (p. 367, Unfinished Tales).

However, as Theoden became ill there was no central command established and this was counseled by Grima. "The King becoming decrepit and seldom leaving his house, fell into the habit of issuing orders to Hama, Captain of his household, to Elfhelm, and even to the Marshals of the Mark, by mouth of Grima Wormtongue. This was resented, but the orders were obeyed, within Edoras" (p. 367, Unfinished Tales). When the time came for fighting against Saruman Theodred took command on his own accord drawing many fighting men with him from Edoras and other areas.

Middle-earth timeline: Third Age, 3014
Today's reading comes from: Unfinished Tales, pages 355 and 367

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